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Miot H / Litter H
Sire/Ojciec: Ch. DRIVE ME TO SWEET BRONX Velturis
Dam/Matka: Ch. FIFI BLUE Tapsaga  
Date of birth/Data urodzenia:  26. 10. 2019
2 males/ 2 psy:
- Handmade Patterning Velturis (Blue Merle)  Poland/Polska

3 Females/ 3 Suki:
- Hollywood will be Mine Velturis 
(Black and Tan/Czarne podpalaneUSA
- Hold me Tender Velturis (Black and Tan/Czarne podpalane) Czech Republic/Czechy
- Head over Heels Velturis (Wild Boar/Dzicze) Poland/Polska

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