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ALittleBitDangerous Vitoraz
Minature female/miniaturowa suka
Breeder/Hodowca: Jan Busta (CZ)

Sire/Ojciec: Vana Vana Ivanek Vitoraz
Dam/Matka: Samanta Fox Vitoraz

Date of birth/Data urodzenia: 02. 07. 2015

Best Wire Mini Dachshund in Poland 2017
Junior Champion of Poland
Junior Champion of Germany (VDH)
Junior Champion of German Dachshud Club (DTK)

Junior Polish Club Winner 2016
Polish Club Winner 2018
Polish Winner Poznań 2018
Champion of Poland
Champion of Lithuania 

Champion of Germany (VDH)
Champion of Germany (DTK)
German Winner 2019
International Champion C.I.E. 



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